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Workflow Samples

The VisualDx API can be used to obtain medical information about conditions as well as submitting realtime image analysis and differential analysis requests.

Retrieving all image inference results

Normally image inference results are truncated when the confidence value of findings/concepts is below 0.001, however if you wish to retrieve all of the ordered inference results you may override the threshold value with a value of 0


This will yield a response where the findings and diagnoses properties where all potential features are returned with a confidence value approaching 0.

  "data": {
    "findings": [
        "id": 3102,
        "confidence": 0.101692408
      // ... omitted ...
        "id": 3304,
        "confidence": 1.91479121E-4
    "diagnoses": [
        "id": 51646,
        "confidence": 0.0757026225
      // ... omitted ...
        "id": 52339,
        "confidence": 8.02999348E-5

Submitting image inference as an input in differential requests

You can use image inference results as an input in Differential requests. Insert the findings and diagnoses properties from the Inference result into the differential request.

  "age": {
    "value": 28,
    "unit": "year"
  "sex": "F",
  "findings": [
    // insert $.data.findings entries from an Inference response
  "disagnoses": [
    // insert $.data.diagnoses entries from an Inference response

Augmenting inference results with extra findings

You may insert additional findings of observed medical conditions into your differential request and setting the input confidence score to 1.0. The order of these findings does not bear any relevance in the generated differential.

  // ... omitted ...
  "findings": [
      "id": 1103,
      "confidence": 1.0
    // ... other findings ...

Specifying “required” findings for differential requests

You may specify a finding as “required” if you want to ensure only diagnoses which include that finding are returned in the differential result.

Warning: specifying multiple required findings will greatly restrict the differential result for each additional required finding.

  // ... omitted ..
  "findings": [
      "id": 10016,
      "confidence": 1,
      "required": true
    // ... other findings ...